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August 25, 2016.
posted in Divorce

Why Spouses Should Not Share A Divorce Attorney

For many Florida spouses, the end of their marriage is not expected to be a bitter or highly contentious affair. Plenty of couples are content to simply go their separate ways and want to process their divorce with as little acrimony and stress as possible. To that end, some will consider using one attorney to complete...

August 19, 2016.
posted in Divorce

Addressing Retirement Division During A Florida Divorce

For those in Florida who are faced with the need to divide their retirement savings, the sheer volume of available choices can be overwhelming. There are many different ways to approach this common divorce topic, all with a unique set of pros and cons. When handling the division of retirement assets, spouses must take care to...

August 12, 2016.
posted in Divorce

Arson Charges Follow Couple’s Heated Divorce

As a Florida marriage is coming to an end, it is not uncommon for one or both spouses to become incredibly angry. Negotiations can be difficult, and couples who share children often cannot see eye-to-eye how to divide parenting time. In some cases, spouses lash out from places of anger rather than reason. When those...

August 05, 2016.
posted in Divorce

Preparing For A New School Year After Divorce

Summer is almost over, and for many Florida parents, this year’s back-to-school routine will be a bit different from those of the past. For parents who have gone through a divorce, the well-being of their children is a top priority. For many, ensuring the well-being of their children means making the transitions into new school...

Contact Me For A Flat-Fee Divorce

For legal representation in any dissolution of marriage matter, please reach out to me online or call me toll free at 866-435-4172.