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May 23, 2013.
posted in Drunk Driving

On behalf of The Law Office of Gustavo E. Frances, P.A.

When people are arrested for driving under the influence, they face a variety of punishments including fines, jail time, an ignition interlock device, and drivers’ license suspension. Recently, the National Transportation Safety Board has introduced new recommendations which could make it easier for people in Fort Lauderdale to be arrested for DUI, and more likely they could face these penalties.

According to the NTSB, the blood alcohol content legal limit — currently set at .08 percent in Florida and in most of the country — should be lowered to .05 percent. The board claims that at least 100 other countries set their DUI limit at .05 and that the United States should follow suit. Proponents also argue that lowering the legal limit could reduce the number of alcohol-related car crashes and injuries.

However, others argue that more information is needed before changes to the legal limit should be adopted. In order for the legal limit to change in Florida, the legislature would have to pass a bill. Until then, the limit will stay at .08 percent.

Floridians should carefully follow this story and make sure they understand where the legal limit is set. If the new limit of .05 percent is adopted, then a man who weighs 160 pounds could reach the limit after only two drinks and a 120-pound woman could reach the limit after only one drink.

These new recommendations could make it very easy for someone to be over the legal limit without knowing it. If this happens, DUI could easily follow — especially since the federal government is also recommending increased use of DUI patrols in addition to lowering the limit.

When you need a Fort Lauderdale criminal law attorney, you can contact us by calling 954-533-2756 for a free consultation.


NWF Daily News, “Tougher drunken driving threshold recommended,” Joan Lowy, May 14, 2013

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